Ki and Ka (English: Hers and His) is an upcoming Indian romantic comedy drama film written, directed, and produced by R Balki. The film follows a young, married couple whose relationship challenges the gender roles placed upon women and men in Indian society. It stars Kareena Kapoor and Arjun Kapoor
The film will be released in India on April 1, 2016, by Eros International
The film is based on a young couple's marriage challenges the gender roles placed upon men and women in Indian society
Balki finished the script in July 2015. The film derives its title from linguistic gender division of the Hindi language found in the words "ladki" and "ladka" meaning "girl" and "boy".
The songs are
High Heels
Most Wanted Munda
Pump It
Fool Ishq
Ji Huzoon
The cast of the film
Kareena Kapoor as Kia and Arjun Kapoor as Kabir
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